Person mit Schutzbrille pipettiert eine Flüssigkeit in Reagenzgläser mit Pflanzen
Event Apr. 04, 2024

Grüne Gentechnik – Allheilmittel oder versteckte Gefahr?

Mit einem neuen Gesetz will die EU die Blockade gegenüber gentechnischen Verfahren durchbrechen. Am 4. April 2024 diskutieren Expert:innen in Hannover über den Nutzen und die Risiken neuer Züchtungen aus dem Genlabor.

Katecat –
Event Nov. 28, 2023

Merry Xmas, everyone! – Nachhaltig feiern und schenken

Hoher Energiebedarf, Abfalltonnen voller Geschenkpapier – für die Umwelt sind die Weihnachtstage ein Stresstest. Muss das so sein? Wie lässt sich nachhaltiger feiern und schenken? Diskutiert darüber mit uns in unserem interaktiven Format Herrenhausen Xchange am 28. November - diesmal in der Innenstadt: im "aufhof" Hannover. 

In the foreground you can see parched earth with a green tree growing on it, and in the background you can see a skyline surmounted by clouds through which individual rays of the sun flash.
Event report Oct. 09, 2019

Documentation: Herrenhausen Conference "Extreme Events – Building Climate Resilient Societies"

More than 130 multidisciplinary scientists and practitioners from 30 countries and UN organizations came together for a Herrenhausen Conference in Hannover from October 9 to 11, 2019, to elucidate the relations between climate extremes, societal resilience, and sustainable development goals.

Yedikule Bostans stands in the middle of a green field at the Theodosian wall in Istanbul.
Event report May. 06, 2019

Herrenhausen Conference "Urban Agricultural Heritage and the Shaping of Future Cities"

The Herrenhausen Conference on May 6-8, 2019 focussed on food production in cities and elaborated why urban agriculture should be part of a sustainable urban planning in the future.

Comic-like depiction of a person climbing a DNA ladder.
Event reports Jun. 21, 2018

Herrenhausen Symposium "Individualized Infection Medicine – The Future is Now"

How may individualization find its way into care of patients with infectious diseases? This topic was discussed during the international Herrenhausen Symposium in Hanover on June 21 to 23, 2018.

Graphic representation of a head in front of a wall of ones and zeros.
Event report May. 31, 2017

Herrenhausen Conference "Society Through the Lens of the Digital"

Experts discussed how the humanities and social sciences deal with the social challenges of digitization at the Herrenhausen Conference in Hanover which took place from May 31 till June 2, 2017.